Ever Supreme completed the handover of the third manufacturing site in Central Taichung Science Park, submission of OTC applications by the end of the year
Ever Supreme had constructed the third manufacturing site in Central Taichung Science Park, where consists of an area of more than 300 pings. The handover was completed on the 14th day this month, and the completion of the construction is expected to be in the second half of the year. After the completion, the site can be tested for operation, and inspection. Ever Supreme is expect to turn the losses for revenue, and submit the application for OTC in Taipei Exchange.
Taiwan FDA drafted the Guideline on Governing Special Cell Technology and Thearpy (abbreviated as RGSCTT) and published in September 6, 2018. After the publication, many research centers had submitted for application, and the result is expected to be announced in the end of January or early February. The first announcement on the approval list will be open up to patients in need of receiving cell therapies.