Specific Cellular Therapeutic Technology (RGSCTT)

Specific Cellular Therapeutic Technology (RGSCTT)


Specific Cellular Therapeutic Technology (RGSCTT)

Ever Supreme Bio Technology has partnered up with a number of medical institutions.   One of the reasons is that DC treatment was approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in May and September of 2019 for treating 8 types of "Stage IV solid cancers" and "Stage I-III solid cancer after ineffective after standard treatment; we are the first biotechnology company that is being approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare by providing dendritic cell to treat all stages of cancer patients.

The first cell production company to receive DC approval in Taiwan (May 15, 2019)
The only CMO that produce DC cell product for Stage I-III ineffective after standard treatment, and IV solid cancer
Among the total of 52 immune cancer therapy applications, Ever Supreme is summed up to 23 cases (updated on Jan 5, 2021).
Already assist 8 institutions to pass.